Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Day 7--Full

Writing a blog every single day is a lot harder than it originally sounded. At first, a million little topics rush to your mind, but when it comes time to actually write... nothing! So here's to being 2 days behind!

Staying true to positive thinking, let me just say my heart is so full these days! And after snacking like I did last night, my belly is too, but that's another story!

Okay, I'll tell that story. Aaron and roommate Laura and I watched a movie last night, and I snacked the entire time! I hadn't felt so miserable in a long time!

muddy buddies and popcorn after a Chipotle dinner=miserable.

Anywho, life this week seems to be revolving around trip planning, hanging out with people at least 10 years younger than me (and Aaron), and enjoying some beautiful weather. How can I not be overflowing with joy? Thank you Jesus for weeks like this!

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