Tuesday, January 22, 2013

2013 Goals

So, it's been a very long time since I've published anything. There's no need for me to try to catch you up to speed, because that would take days. So I'm just going to start fresh!

I'm really big in to setting & accomplishing goals these days. So I'm going to just list my goals for the year on here. Keep me accountable!

1.   Save. AT LEAST $3,000, preferably more
2.   Pay off debt. Credit card. And what I owe my mother :)
3.   Lose 13lbs. I WILL fit in all the summer clothes I bought last year.
4.   Memorize scripture. At least 2 full chapters.
5.   Be intentional. At work. At home. At church. With friends. With my family. With my 242 girls.
6.   Devotion. To be in the Word. To love. To a greater cause.
7.   Be content where I am (this WILL be the hardest)
8.   Be vegetarian for a month. (Aiming for Feb; it's the shortest)
9.   Learn. From the Lord. From others. From myself. From the past.
10. Craft. Make things rather than buy them.
11. Wear jewelry. Because I don't now.
12. Dance. Grow out of this socially awkward bubble & get jiggy with it like I secretly want to.
13. Be a good steward with all God has given me. Time. Money. Gifts. All of it.

This is really more for me than for you who read this. I feel like if it's set in stone & people know about my goals, I'll have more drive to reach them! Let's see how it goes!

I'm going to try to get back into blogging too. If I bore you, tell me so I can spare everyone else the pain! :)