Friday, April 20, 2012

Ya te extraño, Peru

I leave this country for good tomorrow, and that weirds me out like no other. 

I like change, but this whole jumping into the unknown doesn't seem to tickle my fancy much.  It builds my faith in God and His promises, which I'm assuming is why he's sending me back without knowing anything about my future.  It's just a new kind of adventure.

Speaking of adventures, I've had the awesome opportunity to go on many adventures in the last 10 months.  I won't share them all with you know, but I do want to share what I will and will not miss about life in this crazy town (I know this may seem so random, but all week I've been walking around saying to myself "I won't miss this" and "Aww man I'm going to miss this!).

I will miss...
Cheap public transportation
Fresh bread every morning
Walking everywhere
The Llorenses
Living on the beach
Visits to the orphanage
Patty Arroyo
Arturo Tovar
Erika Beltran
Santiago Tapia
$5 meals at Chilis
Trips to Pamplona
Ice Cream before trips to Pamplona
Speaking Spanglish and everyone understanding it
The Olsons
My church
The stairs on the beach
My daily faces I see while running
Adventures with Tammy
Cheap prices

I will not miss...
Men whistling at me no matter if I'm wearing shorts or 5 pairs of sweat pants
Putting on shoes while doing laundry so i don't get shocked
Fish smells
Pig smells
Poop smells
Poop on babies, poop on the streets, your poop, my poop, poop in general
Throwing all toilet paper away
Standing with 95 of my fellow Peruvians on a bus while 5 more get on
Bad logic
Taxis preventing me from crossing the street
Taxis profiling me
Taxis offering me a ride while I'm running and obviously have no money on me
Car alarms

America, be nice to me please!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! Yes! The taxis always try to get my business when I am in workout attire jogging down the street. Drives me crazy! Gonna miss having you around, sweet girl!
