Friday, December 2, 2011

Strawberry Juice..

The breakfast juice of champions. Thank you Lord for cheap strawberries and opposite seasons in this country!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

It's been a while..

So, yet again, it's been a while since I've blogged.  I'll stop commenting on this on every post and just assume that you understand I'm busy and/or lazy and will average 1-2 blogs each month!

This past month has been interesting, to say the least.  I've actually started several posts, but never went on with them because they were touchy subjects and would have possibly caused some issues, but then I thought, this is my blog! I can write what I want!  So, I'll save you from listening to my rants on what's wrong in the world, and just write what's on my heart now. However, if you're lucky, you may get a future post on America's problems (healthcare and welfare in particular) and the American mindset of missions.

Just for you, I'll stay off my soapbox for now and share some things from this past month!  From November 12-21 I was in the jungle of Peru playing with babies, napping in my hammock, and cruising down the Amazon River!  It was real hot, but a nice change from chilly Lima.  Here's my favorite baby, and yes, I picked a favorite! If I bring one home, I'll go back to the jungle and get Jhon!


 I got back, and Melissa had already moved my stuff into our new apartment!  It's amazing how much an apartment affects your outlook on living here.  The old house was fine, just old. Now this apartment, that some missionaries are letting us "house sit" for the rest of our time here, is wonderful! We have a recliner, lots of natural sunlight, and a washing machine.  It's nice, such a little blessing that we don't deserve!

This week, we went with our friend with Santiago to do Bible studies in Cieniguilla and Pamplona. They're both on the outskirts of Lima, but they're soo different.  Cieniguilla is a small town atmosphere, and Pamplona is an overly populated shanty town.  Both are unique, but have so much in common.  Santiago goes to each town once a week and leads a Bible study with a group of believers, so we just accompanied him and did what we could to add in the conversations.  In Pamplona, Santiago had me read from Nehemiah where they were re-building the wall.  In Spanish, it says Levantémonos (let's all get up and go), but I read aloud Levántete monos (get up, ya monkeys).  Needless to say, everyone laughed, and we've continue to laugh for the past two days.

Yesterday, we went to the zoo for the first time here!  It was similar to American zoos, we saw lions and tigers and bears (oh my!).  When it came to the monkeys, naturally I told them "Levantete monos" for kicks and giggles. They didn't listen.  Lazy.  There was also a bird called the Macareño. Say that aloud. Yes, it sounds like the Macarena. So, I danced in front of the birds. They didn't really think it was clever. Whatever. All in all, the zoo was a good trip!

We don't have classes for the month of December. We're going through a huge transition and we're supposed to be planning for the new class structure during that time. So totes, keep that in your prayers, that we'll glorify God through our planning and that our strategy will be what will make Him the most famous in this land!